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Friday, 15 August 2014

A whole lot of WIP's

So far I have managed to finish 3 of the 5 quilt tops I've been working on these past few months. If you follow me on Instagram @ibecheraldine you would have seen the progress....been bored to tears with pictures and laughed (possibly) at the shear randomness. I've also managed to catch some destashes and gotten myself some good fabric scores!! I subscribed to the Love Patchwork and Quilting magazine!!

So here are some pictures of the progress so far

The Berry Triangle Quilt top is now completed. I added one more row to the bottom/top as it was a little too short before. I’ve also got a backing fabric for it too. I’m using a duvet cover as you get soo much more fabric...I’m keeping the pillow cases for myself.....

The backing was bought on sale.. It's also reversible so I can use the other side for another quilt in the future. I’m still deciding whether or not to bind this quilt...I really can’t be bothered to make any.... Maybe I should just buy it ready made so all I have to do is sew it on.....

The Citrus Quilt top is also complete...It came out much larger than I expected...No need for extra rows here! Again I may buy some binding to around it...or I'll go with the pillow case method and quilt it.... The backing was also bought on sale! Took me ages to find something I liked enough.....

The Orange, Grey and Blue quilt top also complete. Once again not sure whether to bind or not...any volunteers to make a whole load for me? I'll send you the fabric!
The backing duvet cover lol! Caught my eye.....was also on sale and I thought would be different from what I'd normally go for.

With me being me and believing too many projects can never be enough I pulled out some more fabrics....But not just any fabrics.....
These are fabrics from Pat Bravo-Indie, Rock and Romance..... And Joel Dewberry-Notting Hill
I knew I wanted to make a HST quilt and these fabrics sung to me! The quilt backing sung to me also and was purchased when I found the backing for the Citrus quilt.

Then I went back to my purge fabrics as I need more projects on the go!! I've been flicking through my issues of Love Patchwork and Quilting for inspiration and have a few dozen ideas... So far............I've cut off the selvedges.....

Watch this space!

Cherie =]

Sunday, 10 August 2014

I would like you to meet Ovis

When my Aunt passed away everyone when kinda crazy grabbing pretty much everything in site. There was just one thing I requested that would mean a lot to me if I got it as she used to sew as well. Whilst she wasn't a quilter she did used to make clothes and she would knit as well. I don't know who took the materials and knitting things....
I didn't expect to get it either, but when my Father came home for a weekend he bought it with him. I was surprised and moved that he had kept it back for me as she requested it go to someone who would love it. 

So without further ado this is Ovis

 The flatbed is much larger than the one on Jano...though surprisingly Ovis weighs a lot less....
 He has a digital display and variable stitch dial

 Buttons and switches for use without the presser foot....

A handy thread guide and even a separate bobbin rewinding section. 

He has a less than weird needle threader, which took me a while to figure out how to use....until I gave up and threaded it the normal way......

He cam supplied with a little bag of accessories which look like they were never used...

As well as these feet...I had to check the manual to see what they were all for .... 

The lower bobbin case..which luckily one was already in place as for the life of me I can't work out the instructions on how to refit one.....

The less than attractive cover....I will have to make him one...His measurements have been taken.....hehehehe.

I haven't yet given him a test run, but that will be all in good time. 

Watch this space.

Cherie =]

Friday, 1 August 2014

Fresh Sewing Day!!

Wow last month went by quickly. I'm glad I got to cram so many things into it. I'm hoping this month I can finish the projects I started.
Here is an update on what happened last month....

The Not Quite Rainbow

The Citrus Quilt

The Berry Quilt

Citrus Berry Project

Orange, Grey, Blue Quilt

The Purge!!

Well that's last month out of the way! Roll on August!

Tonight Linking up with 

Fresh Sewing Day

Watch this space!

Cherie =]