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Monday, 23 February 2015

Colour Project quilt progress!!

So this weekend I decided it was high time to get my Colour Project 
quilts finished up as well as the Berry Indie Romance Quilt. After it nearly being a year of starting them. I got distracted and they were neglected! So I thought before I start a new lot of quilts I should finish up the old lot first!!!
They are currently all backed and sewn pillow case may remember I don't do binding!

Now all that's left to do is trim them all up....Turn them right side out.....Iron them within an inch of their quilty lives...Then Quilt them.....

Watch this Space

IBeCheraldine =]

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Fat 16th Projects

Hi everyone just me again. I have a bunch of Fat 16th's they are such an odd size I never know what to make with them. Does anyone have any good ideas or tutorials that feature the use of them? If so please leave a link in the comments.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Feeling a little stuck...

I feel like I haven't written in ages. I used to keep a diary and I'd write in it everyday without fail...Then that changed to a HahahaLOL book where I'd write in it when the mood struck me or something particularly interesting happened. I then started to blog and could add pictures of what I had made almost a virtual online diary. Since work happened I haven't been writing much at all. I haven't even been reading as much as I used to. Work seems to have taken over a little more than I expected. I really just want to sew. Make a few dozen things and actually get a chance to finish them. I have projects I want to make and have a lack of motivation to both start and finish them.
 I guess I just feel a little stuck.... I've finally opened my Etsy Shop

 I've listed things in there that I've made over the past couple of years and finally gotten around to taking pictures of and creating a listing for them. I figured now was as good a time as any to finally be brave enough to open it. I've been meaning to for years and life and my heath have got in the way. There is no guarantee anything will sell, but you don't know until it's out there and you just have to take that chance...

The one thing I don't have listed is quilts. I start to make them. I finish the quilt top and then it's the finishing the quilt that always takes me forever. I'll tell myself I'll finish it that weekend and then I don't because something will get in the way. I love the making of the quilt tops, the cutting of the fabric. One thing I don't do is binding. I find it so tedious and the few times I have done it I regret adding it on. So now I just don't bother.

I won't lie and say I've been awfully busy. In truth I spend a lot of time procrastinating as I'm not sure what to do next.... HELP!?
