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Friday, 23 November 2012

A Few Finishes...

So I said I would be back soon and here I am! Yes two posts in one week! I'm getting there. I would have posted yesterday, but I went to bed earlier than usual.

I did get some finishes in yesterday however.

Here's how they started

Then them finished. It's great what you can do when you put your mind to it! I think I procrastinate so much so when it comes down it I just get on with things all at once. Those snaps in the last picture belong to the HST cushions from Wednesday's post

Wednesday evening Mother made Red Velvet Cupcakes. I helped her with the piping of the icing. She took them to work Yesterday. She said everyone was saying she should make more and some for Christmas....They were fairly quick to make. I may even make some to take to work.

Today I relaxed and tried out a thrown together pattern of something I've wanted to try for a while now. I had some scrap fabric sitting around. I also rooted through the scrap draws. Those scraps became this little thing

By no means was it meant to be neat and tidy. After all they were just scraps. It sits on Mother's dressing table. She said I could make them and use them as little scent bags for wardrobes or drawers. I plan to make some more in the near future as my WIP pile is pretty much clear. I can start some new projects. I think I have enough cushion covers!!
I'll make some more pouches me thinks. I have a lot of snaps left...Velcro...I can use the drawstring method...I have zippers....
Some more pincushions as you can never have too many! Hmmm then I have to have a good old think on what else to make...

Siya'll later. =D


  1. Hey, that looks fun! The cupcakes look yummy too! Hope all is well!

  2. It looks like you've been finding some sewing time at this busy season! Those cupcakes look so very good.

  3. Lovely triangles and nice scent bags. I have lavender in my garden and I'm planning (already for a few years!) to dry the flowers, make scent bags and give them as presents.

  4. How in the world do you get your triangle to fit together so perfect????????? Love the bag:)

  5. Hey Cherie, not heard from you in a while, hope all's well!

  6. I was going to say the same thing, you've been awfully quiet ! Hope everything is ok !!

  7. I realized I hadn't seen a post in my mail box in ages. So I came to investigate, but you aren't here? Like Kathy, I'm asking, where are you? Are you okay?

  8. IT's been a while... I hope you're ok. :)


Accepting friendly and crazy comments since February 2012. Hope you come back soon =D