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Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Stale Stash Swap

You're probably here because you clicked the link over on The Stale Stash Swap being hosted by Lucy!

So without any further delay here are the fabrics I have to swap =D

There are two of these to swap. I bought the fabric in the market It's a deeper blue than it shows in the picture. The fabric is soft to touch and sews very well. Gone

This is a black Dobby Gauze fabric. Sorry about the bad picture

This is brown and has a floral pattern running in straight lines down it. It's an Indian style material

This is Scarves-CherryAde-Sherbert pips-Aneela Hoey Gone

This one is Funky Flowers-Grand Finale- Sandy Gervais Gone

This one is Wood Fern-Ivory-Nigella-Amy Butler Gone

This fabric is the same weight as the Amy Butler fabric and has a pink floral pattern running over it. The background colour is a sandy orange. 
If you would like to swap please let me know which fabrics you're interested in, with a link to your fabrics so I can see if you have any I'd like to swap for it =D 


  1. I think I want your scarves. Let me go take some pictures and post mine real quick and you can see if there is anything I have that you want.

    1. Ok. Mine is up. Go see if there is something you like!!

  2. Great scarves :)

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  3. on the off chance you don't want anything of Danny's I would also love your scarves ;o) - mine are link #2

  4. Thanks for linking up Cherie! Happy swapping :)

  5. I'd swap for the Wood Fern. So pretty!
    Here are my swap items.

  6. I love that blue! Wanna swap that for the cream with brown circles?

    Jennifer @ findingmywayintexas


Accepting friendly and crazy comments since February 2012. Hope you come back soon =D