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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The Dentist,The HSTs, The Party, More HSTs and Me

Yup that's a general breakdown of my day.
First off there are spots and new sign ups for these swap groups
RATZ ModernistaALFALCMy Goodie Bag,  And this swap is possibly going to have a new one in June MSM

A fun trip to the dentist who said I needed to be referred to the hospital to have my back molars checked out and they'll see me in 6 months! Does anyone else come out after a check up, having their teeth cleaned only they feel quite gross and you have that horrible rinse water taste in your mouth?

After my Dentist trip I caught the bus into the small town. I waltzed through the shops and bought some books...and sewing will be tomorrow!

Getting back home I continued trimming those HSTs courtesy of Father... Upon the recount there were 152 not 144..

This was the done pile from yesterday

The to do piles
 I cut six on the board at a time

Then at 20 past 3 the Older Giant and I went to a Jubilee party at the Younger Giants school/6th Form College...I was deeply offended when A. A student thought we were his parents!...B.The receptionist said we could be his Aunt and Uncle....Errr try Brother and Sister people! People always claim I look 16....try adding 6 years to that!
She was lucky she was behind the counter. .......The 'Party' consisted of the four...members of cooking club and their family members....A small, yet fun gathering (good as I don't like large groups much) We had a laugh, some teachers came down to grab some food and join in the fun. We were surprisingly there for over 2 hours!

Arriving back home was on to more cutting. The 152 HSTs done!....with the trimmings....

The D16 quilts ready for quilting...once I figure out a pattern...

I sorted the HSTs by colour range then took one from each pile in a round until I had 36. I got four piles from this for the cushion tops....the backing will be a whole other fabric story....

With the 8 remaining I sorted them into this...with some borders it could become a very

The Me part was relaxing after all that cutting..I was going to read a book, but oddly enough it was dinner time, by the time I was done sorting and such...

I won't sew these tomorrow. I need a break from them. I'll do my BOM block though so it's done before the month ends..=D

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

For the love of HSTs!

Today the weather started off overcast! My kind of day! Nice and cool.

I started my day by clearing up my fabrics. I had a large pile of sheets and pillow cases sitting next to my desk which was annoying me, so I put them into a tub under the bed and out of my way! The table now has my WIPs so they are nearer to me.

I borrowed my Folks bed space to use to measure the backing for my D16 quilt tops...I had to iron the backing as it was more creased than was folded all that time and magically with loads of creases...Very odd.
I went with the colours of the sashing. Some nice plain fancy prints. Both bedsheets. I haven't taken pictures...I shall tomorrow.

I noticed the fabric I had coloured somehow got wet and the colours had faded and blotched. So thinking quickly I grabbed my Acrylic paints

I had to paint out the whole butterfly and add in the details best as. I was not amused!

With Father's not so bright idea and fabrics cut I started sewing the strips to make HSTs. 5" strips by various lengths. Sew down both sides. Mark at 5" increments. Sew on either side of the marked line not taking the thread off the machine....The pictures help explain. If you have any questions on this please ask.

I got Father to so the I have to do all the sewing...then the trimming once the HSTs are cut....they make 3" squares after. You get 4 from one 5" block cut through in an X. He even Ironed them all ready for me to trim down...all 144 of them.....

This is not I repeat NOT FMQ. I actually did it with my regular sewing foot whilst Father was taking his sweet time using the iron. I was thinking of doing this pattern on my D16 quilts...not sure yet. The fabric was easy to move at least. Any thoughts or ideas?

Then as Father was still using the iron! I finally made a start on my BOM block for Quilt Story... I needed to iron it fist so yeah.....This months theme is hourglass.

Tomorrow once ironed I can get this sewn before the month ends! I also have to take a trip to the least my appointment is early (10.15) Whilst in that side of town I can check out the charity shops and see what I can find =D

Monday, 28 May 2012

I'm Not a Robot?...Really.....?

Is it just me or are the word verification words/jumble of letters getting much longer? Some are actual words..some have been numbers, yet all much longer than before. I've even come across some with shaded "words" and punctuation marks. I ask If you have a blog and haven't turned it off please could you do so, by following these steps...once you have done that you can go here to get the cool button.
It is very annoying to each day have to prove I'm not a robot!

So on to today. This sunny (Grrrr) morning I received two packages in the post.
One from Sarah-FairyFace Designs
I saw these on her blog and enquired about them. The one I originally wanted had gone already so she offered to make me a custom one instead. I agreed, chose the fabrics and this little pouch was created.

The next package was from Karin for the MSM Swap. She lives over in Sweden! She sent me an awesome sewing machine cover. Perfect fit for Jano. Plus some other cute little goodies, A pouch, a mini pincushion, a spool of thread, some sweets, a retractable tape measure, a postcard and some fabric.
The colours are perfect! She must have been stalking me.

You may have read Yesterday's post. I mentioned Father had called me for something.
He went out to boot fair again and came back with this

The panel pillow was not in the bag. Today I organised the fabric into piles of what it could be best used for. Either kitchen/table wares. Pillows. Backing. Bags. Other. The other was because the fabric is mini curtains with lining! What to use them for...any suggestions?
Some fabric annoyingly had sticky tape on the back of them as I assume they were fabric samples for something. The tape was a pain to peel off. So I thought you know what I'm not dealing with this. I'll cut it off and use whatever fabric is left!
The fabric in front of his feet, he cut that into 5" strips as well as a few other pieces I could spare to give him. He claims he wants to make pillows. What he really means is. "I'll cut part of it and you can do all the rest!" Um so not helpful to me. I don't want a pile of WIPs to mount up! It wouldn't be so bad if he was actually genuinely sewing the things himself.

So I put each category into bags and labelled them. Then we went to the cake shop to see if they had any large boards we could use as templates. They did, but they were more than I was willing to pay! (£7+ for the size we wanted!)

Upon returning home I brought the bags to my room and got on with some sewing therapy. I remembered to cut the bag strap using this fabric. I wanted them longer so was glad this piece was a half yard.

Then I set to finishing the bag. I got the magnets...which I didn't realise there were two different poles in the packet, cut them wrong..glued them in wrong and found out when it was too late. So now the magnets are outside if the fabric. I had to glue them down and now they are drying.

The bag is complete! So cute and the perfect size for all of my junk  necessary bag items to fit in. Next month this will be hitting the streets. Well not so much the pavement, more like my hip as I wear it. 

Tomorrow I'll possibly be backing the D16 quilt tops. I've opted for plain fabric that matches the sashing. =D

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Driving in the Fast lane!

However before driving was sewing,
I continued on my Hexie panel until going to get ready for driving. I then got distracted by the TV.....Before leaving I grabbed my travel pouch and hit the road!

the back

The front

My thumb that has been stabbed with the pin many times!

The contents...the good scissors....the hexie panel..the thread...the clip that held the hexie rows neat and tidy..the needle is inside the panel...

The weather was much cooler. There was actually a nice breeze coming through the window.
I'm getting better at driving now! My instructor took me out to a place I wasn't used to, but he was impressed with how well I handled the roads and the car! There were more people out on the roads than I expected....most of them hanging out in the parks and others possibly on their way to the park....or the pub.....or a BBQ.....or......
I had to practice going around roundabouts and remembering to turn off at the right lane as well as signalling too. I had a few stop lights to stop at and some rude drivers who beeped me! Hello I'm a learner not a professional rally driver! It was a nice drive though and I was rather proud at how well I handled the new roads and challenges.
Twas The Older Giants lesson after mine, he has his test on Wednesday. I really hope he passes this time, this is his 4th attempt, please send your good driving vibes his way!
Once again I sat in the back and got to sewing. I did glance up a few times and we were going down some picturesque country lanes! I so wish I had bought my camera...

I got this far before we reached back home. OK so most rows were attached, the entire 6th row and part 7th row I did in the car!
 See that 4th row..yes? That was supposed to be before the 1st row and the entire panel upside down! I made an error in sewing and really couldn't be bothered to change it.

These are my driving glasses. They tend not to slide down so much. I sometimes also wear them when going out to parties/dinner etc. They squeeze at the sides so I can't wear them for too long.

 My actual glasses which are more comfortable, and I wear all the time. Just some nice simple Midnight Blue frames.

Upon getting home I started to finish the panel.....then was called by Father....but we'll discuss that tomorrow....
I had to finish the panel up after dinner

Then I pulled out the other 49 all ready to be sewn and created a design for them

After deciding how they would fit with the first panel I moved some around...
All fabrics were scrap pieces either swapped or from my own stash chosen specially to become MAM prints..most fabrics can be viewed here...which reminds me I must update that page....

Well that's all from me. Happy Sunday =D

Saturday, 26 May 2012

That Blah feeling!

The weather has not been helping my mood at all! I hate the heat. There I said it and truth be told I'll say it again....I HATE THE HEAT!!!

It makes me feel very sick as it goes straight to my head and I end up feeling dizzy a lot of the time even when sitting down.
The house becomes so hot it's impossible to actually want to do Blah!
It is so very hard to concentrate on anything whilst feeling dizzy.
The sick feeling is constant....drinking doesn't help much either.
Sewing becomes much slower as using the iron...which has a very annoying steam function that doesn't seem to switch off is a pain.

I'm waiting for the cool weather. The one were it's practical to do things!

So on to today.

We went food shopping as usual and Tesco was like a traffic jam! I hate shopping at the best of times so today was not a good shopping day! I was very annoyed at the people standing in the way constantly and acting like they could neither see nor hear you. The people not looking where they were actually going and crashing into you!
Just because there is nice weather gives them no excuse to rush to the shops and get in the way! Usually Tesco is far less busy!

We went into a charity shop before grabbing lunch and I found this piece of fabric...It may be a half meter or so piece for just 50p! The weather must be affecting me because its floral! Mind you It may go nicely with that vintage brown case I bought....providing there's any of it left...or perhaps the one I used as backing for the heart pillows..

My new nemesis is mini binding! I hate it with a deep burning passion. I was counting down each pair as I went, I looked for a longer needle to make it go quicker. Could I find one!

Then came the next steps sewing down those pesky pockets and then making smaller pockets in one side. This was simpler. Jano decided to be my friend today! He made a wise choice...
I asked Mother if she could cut the wadding...she did a fine job! I need to get some leather thongs....or maybe ribbon...hmmmmm

I moved on with my new bag! I sewed darts! They were much simpler than I thought they would be and when I measured them, were all the same size! Result! As I told you in yesterdays post I have now cut the fabric for the pockets...Oh I even found the what the yellow fabric is see here. It was very tempting for me to order more, but I did not!

It's coming along nicely! I just have to get some magnets....The effort to order some! I'll have to pop out the road to the not 'Pound Tree' and see if they have any.. Oh I also have to find a fabric for the handles...yes....hmmmmm. looks like a little stash raiding will be in order tomorrow...

I have another driving lesson tomorrow actually. Luckily It's not until 4 so I have some time before hand to cut fabric and do some light sewing. Last week I bought my hexies with me. When the Older Giant was driving I was sewing in the back. I really need to finish that panel!

OK Bye *waves*

Friday, 25 May 2012

What a Mug....


Firstly if you want a cool new swap to join have a look at this one

Ah yes that's right. All 8 mug rugs are now casualties this time round. Please imagine the spork is a spoon! I'll possibly make more in the future when the mood strikes.

I then made a start on the binding for the sewing kits.....such a pain with mini binding! Who thought it was a clever idea! I still have to sew it down..Jano + mini binding= As if!

Then I made a start on the Pixie Handbag, pulling out my MAM fabrics
1. Amy Butler-Lotus Brown. 2.LoulouThi-Totem in Grapefruit. 3.? (anyone seen it before, it came from a scrap bundle..) 4. Darlene Zimmerman

 I've interfaced all the pieces...Crazy in this heat, but it had to be done! The pocket for the inside will be 5.Lecien-My Folklore in Beige

 I'm not a matching person at all, when it comes to things for myself. I love these fabrics so why not make a bag using them. Sadly my LouLouThi print is almost done. I've ordered another in Tart...They had not the Grapefruit =(

Tomorrow as usual is shopping then random sewing.....I'll possibly get that binding done and move onto the next stage of the bag....the bag may come first however.....=D

Still loving these yogurts!
They do them in peach now too! (these are the bigger tubs..they also do four packs in various other flavours)