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Saturday, 30 June 2012

Projects of the sketch pad kind

In the mail this morning I got a great set of fabrics from my blogging friend Susan. the green ones have been cut into already the black ones remain in the wrapper.

Still armed with my sketch pad and colours, I worked on other colour themes for inspiration.
I rummaged through my stash of F8s and found I still had some that were whole pieces. So I chopped those up into wedges, charms and 4" squares...all scraps going into my scrap bin for now. (eventually they will make it into the jars)

These prints are from the ones I ordered from My Fabric house.

from l-r 1.browns. 2.oranges. 3.blacks. 4.purples. 5.white multi. 6.greens. 7. grays. 8.reds. 9.cream multi. 10.blues. 11.yellows. 12.pinks. 13.dark multi.

I had quite a good selection actually....only after I had cut them I realised there were no blue prints in the triangles I'd cut!  Funny that....So my new plan is to order another bundle of colour wheel prints from Surly Sheep. They are the perfect size for my future project and the fact I loved all the prints that came last time. 
I need to also get some browns, neutrals and black prints...I really wish when I first started buying fabric I had paid attention to colours! 
I'll have to take the leap and order colours I'm not to fond of like RED and PINK! 
That lesson is officially learnt!
I have my Swap Shop back open so feel free to stop buy and see if anything takes your fancy.

I think I'll be with my sketch pad for a while....I'll post some pictures soon of what I've been sketching out for ideas...

Siya'll tomorrow =D

Friday, 29 June 2012

Colours and Sketch pad

Sometimes you just need to take a break. Grab a sketch pad and sketch whatever comes to mind.
Following an idea for making some hexagon/circular pillows, I used the colours from my Mosaics to sketch out some ideas.

A few sneaks of my current thought progressions

The bowl yeah that's just a new addition to my sewing table...great for trimmings...and holding sewing/sketching gear.
Now all I have to do is get around to buying some fabrics to match up to those colours...well not perfectly, but close is good too.
I made another possible fabric mosaic yesterday. Fabrics from Fresh Modern Fabrics

Do you think they match well enough to the colours on my sketch pad? 
Here's the one from yesterday, which is made up of colours I'm lacking in my stash fabrics from Pink Castle Fabrics
There should have been 36 fabrics, but I stopped at 30...then forgot to change the size...It's actually somewhat hard to find decent rainbow theme fabrics! There aren't many blues as I seem to have an awful lot of them was a hard colour to find!
I got price quotes on them both....still deciding whether to get both bundles or just the one.....

Siya'll tomorrow =S

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Fabric ban broken!

It was for a good inject more colour into my fabrics! The rainbow is seriously lacking....I thought these bundles could some ways they do and in others the fabric isn't useful to me!
Ordered from My Fabric House

These ones will be added to my swap page...once I set it back up.

All these have been cut into charms..though mind you some were under 10 x10 " so I was quite annoyed by that!

A great scrap bundle!

After almost a week of scrap sorting...cutting...placing into sandwich bags....and wooden drawers. They are finally all nice and neat!

Well I need to seek out some more rainbow fabrics....refresh my swap page...make some mosaics to help...
Here's one of the fabrics Im thinking of ordering from Pink Castle Fabrics
I need to find some more purples and then some greens, reds, oranges to match the mosaics from yesterdays colours 
I'll make another mosaic to show you....

Until then. 
Siya'll tomorrow =D

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

A bit scrappy and Competition Entries

I continued sorting through my scraps...I still have some way to go. Sorting them has helped inspire me with what to make next....

So hard to see the squares on my bed quilt...I didn't feel like sitting at my desk...I can feel Jano glaring at me from the table!

This evening I decided on entering Cindy's competition!
I got a bit carried away and made four entries!

Enchanted Meeting

Winters Sunset

Sultry Cinderella

All Tangled Up

How I love making mosaics! Tomorrow is even more scrap sorting...I seem to have a large amount of triangular scraps....

Siya'll tomorrow =D

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Rainbow scraps!

With my sewing mojo gone for a vacation, I played around with some templates. Father bought two large cake boards a 16"circle and hexagon. I flipped them over and divided them on the back to  get wedges to eventually make up some pillows. I just need to decide what prints to use and eventually get cutting.
The bowl is a template for the smaller circular pillows using the HST blocks I made.

I flicked through some magazines hoping the projects would help inspire me on what to make next. I found a few things that caught my interest. Some blocks and one had some cute fabric flowers, that can be turned into brooches or hair slides (well it didn't say that, but I think they could work)

They require 3" circles to make the petals, so I pulled out my fabric basket containing some 3" x 5" strips and cut those down to 3" squares saving the scraps for my jars.

My jam jars plus some other jars I found are now rainbow scrap well as one for white, black, brown and grey scraps. I even pulled out my scrap draw and cut some of the pieces in there into strips to add in.

Oddly there are a lot of purple scraps though I have no major purple fabrics! Smaller pieces of fabric have lead to that.

I then tipped out my strip bag ready to trim them down to proper sizes to put into another draw. There are various different fabrics here, some cotton, linen and upholstery weight fabric. I'll leave them at the length they are as most of my scraps are smaller pieces.
I'm seeing some scrappy pouches in their future....maybe some log cabin blocks....
I broke my fabric ban slightly to get a better range of rainbow colours for my stash. I ordered some mystery colour bundles from My Fabric House I spent £30. The bundles are 10x12" pieces which works great for what I need them for. I'm going through the fabrics on Pink Castle Fabrics to possibly get a custom bundle made up with some rainbow inspired prints.

Not a very interesting day, but at least I found something inspiring in my search.

Siya'll tomorrow =D

Monday, 25 June 2012

Losing my mojo!

Yes you read the title correctly. I have lost the will to sew! Looking through my stash I feel very uninspired to sew anything. I've been flicking through magazines I bought, looking for new ideas...but the will to try any of them out just isn't there.

The weather has been very humid here, which hasn't helped much. Sewing in humid weather blah!

Yesterday at the park was a fun day. Despite the random showers everyone had a good time. My Mother got some Frisbee throwing lessons from my Uncle...There was random dancing 'Candy' and  'the Cha Cha Slide'. Volley ball games- who says you need a beach to play it! Various games of badminton. Food that thanks to the awesome weather, became fridge cold in minutes!
We did stop on the way home to get some HOT chicken and chips =D

I lazily got some hand quilting done. I was sewing much slower than usual and took many breaks as I began to lose the will to continue on with it.

I have one more triangle on that row to complete, then a whole other row...this quilt may take some time to finish. Luckily the binding is made so I don't have to worry about that....

That's all from me today

Siya'll tomorrow! =D

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Still so charming!

I've been scouring the net for websites that have great bundle deals. I've found some really good ones that have a range of prints over different colours. Some that have colour bundles with different prints in each. Plus a few with stash builder bundles.
I couldn't believe when I looked through my stash and found I only have 2 purple prints! I also need to get some other colours...So much for the fabric ban, but you really cant make rainbow themed items without the full set.
Pink Chalk Fabrics have some really great bundles in different colourways, with very few prints in each being the same. I may get a few of theses to build some colour groups up.

I got more charms cut today from the ones In my FQ boxes.

The scraps from the ones I've cut! Some were just under 5" I was not amused!

The piles with newly added charms..The blue and green have the largest piles..don't quite know how that happened.

I pulled these prints, which are F8ths I'm thinking of getting some more of them too to build up my charm colours...I'll just have a load of 4" squares too. Buying from SurlySheep, the owner Brooke was very helpful the last time when I asked for fewer aqua prints as I had so many already.

These are fabrics I'm thinking of using...well some depending which ones my partner chooses. For the Modernista Swap She said she like pink and green as a colour combo, so hoping she likes at least a few of these prints.

I got some more hand quilting done on the last charm quilt too...only forgot to take a picture as Mother an I were battling with the oven...I'm really hoping we get a new one! They are coming on Tuesday to see if they can fix it.

Tomorrow we're off to London for a Family 'Party in the Park' only with the current weather, I doubt the park bit will be involved.

Depending what time we get back I may have some news to share. Until then

Siya'll Later =D

Friday, 22 June 2012

Charmed I'm sure!

This morning I had the intentions of getting some sewing done. However today turned out differently.

In the mail I got my parcel from Karen thanks to the RATZ Swap. This months item was magnets

 How cute is that apple!!! She also sent a cool badge, which can join the ones on my bag.

 I was then called by Father to go shopping for ingredients to make his family famous (and my most favourite dessert in the world!) Sweet potato pudding!!
We went full circle around the aisles as he forgot to pick some things up, or saw he need some more..Men! My job was to peel the potatoes, grater the nutmeg..grease the tins/dishes help him check them as we have to wedge our cooker so the gas stays on! (They are coming to look at is next Tuesday..we have had this problem many times thinks we should just get a new one!!)

After that I went to cut my stack of fabrics. Just a 5" strip off each piece...some I left to one side as the pattern wasn't for charm cutting! A good 40+ fabrics in the stack. Whilst making dinner I got them cut and ironed.

These are ones I have cut already in a box....Oddly I have no purple fabrics save the solid print. Very few pinks, reds and oranges...I may have to break my fabric ban to get can't make a rainbow quilt with 3 out of 7 colours......
I'm think fabric bundles...if anyone knows any good sites for colour based bundles please post a link with your comment. Thanks!

A slow, but long day! I still have those strips to cut into charms..*_*

Siya'll tomorrow

Thursday, 21 June 2012

The Sneak peak reveal!

Yesterday I showed you this sneak peak

However in the mail I got this awesome package courtesy of the ALFALC Swap from Deanna a great selection of fabrics, zippers, buttons and Candy!! =D

Now I can show you the reveal! 4 more zippered pouches! I had fun making these and will probably make more later in the year! My shop stock is coming along nicely. I may open before Christmas so people can possibly purchase some handmade items from me.

When I get some more labels I'll fuse them to the inside of the pouches...I need to get a few different ones for various items..anyone know any good places to get custom labels?

I finally decided to tackle the things on my WIP pile, starting with the blocks for the circular pillows Father suggested I make.
I had enough HSTs to make 4 of them , one I showed previously (but you can see it here with the others)

I think I'll start making some bags next! I have a magazine with some marked pages, so watch this space --->                         <------- HAH!

Siya'll tomorrow =D