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Saturday, 31 March 2012

My Sewing Mission

So you know my sewing mission page up there in the bar...
My goals for the year....which maybe should have been  just for the month....I'll be adding more soon, but here's how they are going as this month is almost up

My goals

  • Make all cushion covers this month-February- I actually didn't get this one done...I made two mock ones and that's about it 
  • Learn how to properly use my sewing machine, sewing in straight lines-This one I achieved! Who knew reading the book would actually be useful!!
  • Stop breaking my machine needles, or at least buy more in reserve- Once learning how to use the machine I actually achieved this! I have bought some more needles just encase, but haven't used any of them yet!
  • Use the fabrics I have bought to make some unique pieces-I've somewhat done this to an extent as I have been making some things I didn't think I could manage. Thus surprising myself and my family!
  • Decide which ones I'm going to use first-I cut into the fabrics I got in bundles first! It was a tough choice, but I had to start somewhere
  • Invest in some interfacing and wadding for future projects.- I did get some interfacing and I have used it for one project so far....the zippered pouch HA! The wadding I got 4 packs of and 2 still remain untouched for now! 
  • Hopefully use these ideas to help with my future business plans.-This one was a big decision. The idea to open my own business has been with me for was just deciding what kind of business I want to open. I love baking and making cakes/ know all the sweet things =D. Then I thought wait a second I love making things too..sewing was a natural turning point as I loved sewing, I just needed to get better. I Thought why go it alone when a friend can help! So This years is making a heck of a load of things! Next year will hopefully see the start of a brand new online business =D 
  • Learn how to correctly use scissors...seriously not kidding there..-Still haven't accomplished this...No joke either...somehow I manage to hold them the wrong way and it all goes pear shaped from there....I can rip paper straighter than I can cut it!
  • Less sleeping more crafting ! Ooops I mean an even amount of sleeping and crafting!-Yes about this one I have been keeping evenish. The blog reading is what keeps me up..I do try to get some read during the day...however by the time I get back there are a load more to read
So that's the progress report....I just need to think up some for April.....

Yesterday and today

I'm sure you're wondering "Hey what happened to Cherie...that strange girl who comments on nearly all my blog posts"...well something along those lines....

Well I've not left for a vacation! I wish! Instead I have been sitting at my cutting table...cutting squares and squares of fabric!

I also got some packages in the post!!

Swap fabrics from 1st from Lori  at Adventures in Fabric and the 2nd from Danny  at Mommy For Reals

I have cut into both already to help with some of my upcoming projects for next month...they are lurking in those piles on my cutting board along with some of my newly brought fabrics!

I have also been sewing up rows for my MAM Hexie project and laid out a new design...looking at the previous the flowers were too close together

I'm really loving hexies! I think I'll add to this and make it larger....All in good time my friends all in good time!
Looks like this is my last post for the month!
Thank you all for following along! Next month will be just as crazy =D

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Another quilt top!

I'm planning on making 4 all together. They should with some careful sewing measure 23 1/2" square! So far so good. I got another finished today. I forgot to mention yesterday that I used the Twirl charm pack to make that quilt top.
For this quilt top I've used the 10 little things charm pack. I've tried another HST pattern for this one. Hourglasses this time round =D

I've also laid out a design for my MAM Hexie project. I know I should have finished this ages ago, but I got distracted with quilt making. The pattern is subject to change so watch this space =D

Today I'm linking up with TNT Thursdays

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

So Today.....

Today was a great day! In the post I got more of my swap fabrics and my Eternal Maker order, all sale fabrics! 14 FQ's and a bundle! I got a lot of sewing done, went to and Easter fair-which was not as I thought it would be. Luckily I saved myself some money- and then got even more sewing done! To finish up 3 quilt tops and a zippered pouch! I'm surprised myself at how much I got completed. One quilt top was completely from scratch. Oh and I got my block done for the BOM over at Quilt Story. I know it's late in the month, but it's still March so it's done. I'll get Aprils done sooner =D
I apologise in advance for all the pictures. I wasn't feeling the mosaic this evening.

Spring Into Spring Swap!

I've been swapping like crazy these past weeks and surprisingly still have a few items left I'd like to swap still. Maybe some new eyes will have interest in these items.


Both books are in new condition and the Patch Book still has the free gift included in the book. They weren't the style of book I was expecting, so one of you may appreciate the patterns more

Snuggle Up-8 Lap quilts to warm your home

Patch-Cath Kidston
If you have other sewing books I wouldn't mind seeing them, to see if they are the ones I would like. If not I don't mind swapping them for items of the same value. I've included links so you can see the price they roughly sell at. 

I also have a 26 square Nel Whatmore Happy go Lucky Charm pack. I'd swap these for the same amount of charms. They don't have to be from the same collection, just colour coordinated. 
Nel Whatmore Happy Go Lucky Charm Pack
I don't mind posting these abroad (I'm over in the UK)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Disappearing 16 patch and A disappearing Granny Patch

As mentioned I completed my Disappearing 16 patches ready to be made into a quilt! I then thought hmmmm since this works so well what about a Disappearing Granny block? So I chopped my spare ones into 4 and put them back together again!!

Disappearing 16 patch and a quilt idea...Sashing or no Sashing thoughts please..

I also got my Granny quilts sashed 

Then I took 4 of the spare ones and chopped them into four to create some new blocks. Once put back together and trimmed down, they make 6" squares.
I tried two layouts with them to make either mini quilts or cushion covers. No need to quilt as they already have the seam lines running through them!

So that's what I've been up to these past few days. I also have a charm quilt in laid out and ready to be a zippered pouch to try out....Tomorrow will be interesting there is a fair at my younger brothers school at 3!

Monday, 26 March 2012

Oh dear!

I know I said I would post what I was up to this weekend, but time has gotten away from me! Lunch was great we went to the Toby Carvery! Our bellies were certainly stuffed after that meal! No room for dessert!
Walking through town I had to send my phone off to be fixed! It stopped letting me make calls and although its supposed to be a windows sync phone, wouldn't actually let me connect to the computer. So now all my photo's (thank goodness I barely took any) will be wiped off and I have to wait 10 days for it to be fixed!!!!
I tried using my spare phone, but the sim from my phone was smaller so I had to use the adaptor.....this somehow got lodged in the phone! The sim managed to be taken out after an hour battle! So I have to take that one to be repaired. Sadly I didn't jot down the for a couple of days I'll be out of touch with my mobile buddies....I hope they don't suspect the worst!

So with all that drama I wasn't in the mood to sew! Instead I cut up some fabric and organised some of the 2.5" squares to make some random granny blocks!

Sigh. Hope your evenings turned out better than mine =D

Mail all for me!!

I love the sound of mail dropping through the letter box! I love it even more when all of it is for me!! I'm starting my morning with a BIG SMILE!! 

You may have seen me swapping some mini squares recently with 3 fabulous ladies!
Cameron from Cameron Homemade
Suzanne from Colorado Lady
Amy from [Amy's] Crafty Shenanigans

So a HUGE thank you! to them for swapping with me and making my morning extra special! I suppose you all want to see the lovely fabric I got?

From Suzanne! Strips and squares!! Which will come in very handy!

From Amy! She wrote a lovely note to say she had included some Kaffe Fassetts and some Moda fabrics!

From Cameron! Sent In a handmade envelope =D

A great selection of squares and strips, plus some amazing scraps!

Also my charm packs from The Fat Quarter shop....I got these last week and forgot to take a picture
I'm going to have fun making things with these! I already have some ideas floating around. I made a lot of progress at the weekend, but that post will come later as I'm out morning/afternoon. My trouble making brother is treating Mother and I to lunch! =D

See you all later!

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Ideal Home Show!!

Today I was out at the Ideal Home Show with Mother and Older Brother! We had a good time walking around checking all the stalls out! Grabbing free samples of the food-albeit small samples! However it was still a great day. We met a few chefs and food authors! I got their autographs and pictures. We even met for all the UK people Suzi Perry from the Gadget Show!! She was really friendly!

My Mother and Brother got a picture with Suzi too...I sadly was taking the picture

A great day out, lots of gizmo's and and fashion! All you UK bloggers should check it out! If not this year then make a date for next year!

Friday, 23 March 2012

That last day strangeness!

So I get into work at six....grab a box of work and begin to sort..not even 10 minutes into the box and a group of us were called into the office....there was no work so we were being sent home!!! Why they couldn't have called us up yesterday or even rang us is far beyond me but hey that's my work place for you. It was my last day would have been nice to not have gotten up so early though!! So said bye to everyone and left! They said they would call us if any new projects came in.....

So I got back home had a random chat with my random family members then went back to bed for a couple of hours then woke up and got sewing! I started out on my Hexie project 2 and finished tacking the ones I had left 49 DONE! Now all I have to do is work out a pattern and sew them together! They have been ironed and a sitting on my bed waiting to be finished!
After that I finished up my Granny Square blocks! 20 Done ready to be made into 2 quilts at the moment.! (love the mosaic maker!!) These were taken before the ironing process...they look much better now!

I also finished up 6, 16 patch blocks ready to be cut to make disappearing 16 patch blocks!- (It cut my edges off!) But so much quicker than uploading them one by one! They are 3" squares rather than the 5".

I'm linking up at Link A finish Friday hosted by Richard  and Finish it up Friday over at crazy mom quilts

Versatile bloggger Award!

Wow another award!! This time Presented to me by my new friend Cameron at Cameron Homemade!! I always pop over and read her blog when she makes a post as she always has some great projects...most of which I have in my bookmark bar! She has also swapped some random things with me which is great as I love swapping!!

The Versatile Blogger Award is a great way to introduce different bloggers to each other and to promote quality blogs that awardees and their readers may not have discovered otherwise.

If nominated, you have been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award. Here are the instructions for the lucky participants:
Nominate 15 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award.
In the same post, add The Versatile Blogger Award.
In the same post, thank the blogger that nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
In the same post, include this set of rules.
Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.
Choose 15 other bloggers! - 15 really you have got to be kidding!! All those links!! 

Ok so here goes nothing....grumble groan! It took me a while but here's my list. These are bloggers I speak to on a regular basis who have given me some great advice and inspiration!!

Richard- Richard Quilts
Elizabeth-Pieceful life
Kristy-Quiet play

Wow that was not an easy feat grabbing all those links! I have yet to post on their blogs....

Oh and seven random facts about me...

1.I hate the smell of flowers!!- I like seeing flowers in pictures, but up close and personal! No way. The smell is horrible! I would not be amused if a guy bought me flowers..Paper ones yes...real ones NO!!!

2. I'm Lactose Intolerant! I have Soya milk....lacto free cheese.....soya custard.....Sorbet instead of ice cream...Dark chocolate at least 70% or higher!

3. I love scraps!! LOVE  them..I have  box with them in some are only 1" in size, but I can't throw them away!! If you would like to send your tiny scraps my way I'd be happy to receive them!

4. I still have all my teddies from when I was younger! Bear in mind I am only 22....They sit in my bookshelf...which should have books in but hey they needed a place! Plus there are books in the shelf...both of them....

5. I love collecting snowglobes!! Whenever I go on holiday I have to buy a snowglobe from the matter how big or small I must get one!! Also fridge magnets! Our fridge is well travelled

6. I only started sewing at the end of February! My friend Fiona and I plan to start up a business next year so we're both planning and making things to get ready for then. I've got a long list of the things I plan on making. Lets see if I get them all done!

7. This Sunday I'll have my first driving lesson! So watch out people of I come!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Just 3 more to go!!

Today I started with some list making...Creating a list of all the things I hope to sew this year! I'll make a page up next week!
Then I was further distracted as I couldn't find my book, then my trouble making brother came to ask me something.
Eventually though I did get on to finishing my blue/green Granny square blocks and finishing 2 red/orange/yellow, meaning now I have just 3 left to complete 20 in total...I've decided to make 2 smaller quilts using up 12 of the blocks and putting the other 8 into safe keeping!

Whilst I was reading Erin's Billy Button Design Blog I noticed she had been tagged and posted these questions for anyone to answer so here are my answers

1.Do you really tell your partner or your credit card how much you spend on fabric each month? I don' t have one of either so no! I use my debit card so I don't have to pay anything back! I've given my self a budget and have been good sticking to entering competitions and swaps!!

2.On average how many hours do you spend a week looking at blogs, flickr, pintrest? honest now! Far too many to be honest each day I come in from work and spend an hour or more reading blogs then back on in the evenings from 8 reading blogs again till 11 !!

3. What is your favourite show on telly at the moment? I actually haven't been watching much tv for all the sewing I've been doing!

4. If you could run away for the weekend would the sewing machine come with you? No Just my purse and a trolley suitcase to hold all my new items =D

5.  How many candles do you have in the house?  Come on...all of them! Err somewhere in the 50+ region could be closer to 80..We get so many from friends and family plus I have possibly the 50 in my room alone......

There you go Erin!

Tomorrow I should hopefully finish the last 3 blocks as well as completing some more tacking in the 2nd Hexie project =D

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

More Trips to the post office!!

The people at the post office are going to get sick of seeing me! So glad I can get 4 packages posted off tomorrow though so maybe they won't have to see me for a while.
If you haven't already joined the fun at Lucy's then head on over to the

Charm About You
It's been great fun seeing all the fabrics people have from different parts of the world!! Sending 2 packages to the USA and 2 to Australia!! I'll be waiting patiently for my packages to arrive. Next month is going to be interesting!

However it's still March. I still have yet to decide which project to use for

Scrap Attack Quilt-Along
The linky party starts next Monday!!!! I have some ideas in the pipelines...hopefully I get at least the top done by then! 
I just got my order from The Fat Quarter shop!!! pictures will be up tomorrow! I'll be using some of my order for 

Fresh Poppy Design
I still have a week left so I need to get my Sew on! Good thing I wont be at work next week!! hopefully I can get 2 more quilts done by the end of the month, as well as finishing up my 2 Hexie projects!!

I also managed to get finished 4 of the blue/green Granny Square blocks!

Some of the corner pieces are slightly askew! Hopefully they neaten up when I trim the edges! Tomorrow will be the last blue/green block and make a dent in the red/orange/yellow =D

Help please!

I'm looking for a zippered pouch tutorial. After seeing the ones bloggers have been receiving from swaps, I'd really like to make one of my own. If anyone knows of any good tutorials or has one of their own, please post a link here.
Thanks for your help =D

I'm a Winner!

Liebster Blog Award

My good blogger friend Lisa at In the Boon Docks awarded me the Liebster Blog Award.She's been a great blogging friend and has helped me with ideas and given me some cool tips and great inspiration. I found it very hard to choose just 5!! So my friends if you choose to accept this award please post the Liebster award on your blog so others know.

If the blogs I listed want to accept the Liebster Award and pass it on to 5 blogs themselves, here are the rules:

This award is given by bloggers to their favorite blogs with under 200 followers. The Liebster Rules are:
1. Post about your win on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented you with the award.
3. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs that have less than 200 followers that you think deserve to be recognized.
5. Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

Drumroll please, I award the Liebster Blog Award to the following blogs: 

Quietplay-over at quietplay
Gigi-at Gigi's Quilty Treasures
Rebecca- at Sew Festive Handmade
Cameron- at Homemade DIY Projects and tips
Jess- at The Elven Garden

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

More Charity shop buys

Today we were sent home from work early......again....they have also terminated my temporary contract, due to there not being much work. My last day is this Friday 23rd! *Sigh* Time to find a new job....anyone know any good ones going in the UK.....I'd love to work in a fabric shop! Good thing I saved some money up =D

My dear friend Fi and I came up with the idea to open our own online shop....this won't be until next year however as we're taking this year to build up some money...make the items we want to sell and gain some perspective in the selling world. We know what we want to sell-Handmade items...most of mine sewn and hers will be cool candles and picture items.
So I've been looking around for some interesting glasses to use for the candles..We plan to make jelly candles as well as wax ones!

So onto the glasses....they ranged from 20p to 30p each. The glasses in the last picture have one more in each glass..

I also got a few buttons from the charity shop! 5p each!!